This is particularly important for people who engage in contact sports or other physical activities that make them prone to head injuries – even the slightest ones.
The study team analyzed data of 13,323 persons aged 40 and older who took part in the Brain Health Registry. About 5 percent of these participants reported a history of repetitive head impacts through contact sports, military service, or abuse. Participants were asked to fill out questionnaires of history of traumatic brain injuries and each underwent computerized cognitive tests.
The study revealed that repetitive hits to the head were associated with cognitive decline and depression, and was strongly dependent on how much head impacts they were exposed. The study showed that the group that has the most repetitive head impacts and those that had traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness reported the most depressive symptoms.
Read more here – https://www.bumc.bu.edu/busm/2020/06/26/repeated-head-impacts-associated-with-later-life-depression-symptoms-worse-cognitive-function/