More people are becoming aware of the benefits of exercise.
Exercise has been termed a miracle cure, and rightfully so, as it decreases the risk of serious illnesses like stroke, diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer. It is recommended for everyone, even children.
The need for exercise has become a sermon, being preached to all as more people are now adopting a sedentary lifestyle.
Technology has made it possible for people to be anywhere without much physical activity. You simply jump off your couch, get into a vehicle and arrive at your destination.
Hours are also spent on our beds or couches watching entertainment on our portable devices or TVs. It is also easier and faster to carry out chores with technology-enhanced tools without expending energy considerably. Many people have jobs that require sitting in one position for a long time.
Moving around less and engaging in less physical activity means less energy and calories are burnt off. This lifestyle is in turn dangerous to our health and physical wellbeing.
Improves blood flow
Regular exercise boosts bloodcirculation around the body and this ensures that adequate oxygen and nutrients flow into tissues and organs. Optimal blood flow also reduces the risk of damage to blood vessels and blockage of blood flow caused by fats and blood clots.
Helps to burn unhealthy fat
Bad cholesterol, also known as LDL damages the arteries of the heart and other parts of the body, causing stroke and heart attack. Regular exercise reduces the amount of this and other unhealthy fats in your blood.
Reduces Risk of Stroke
Damaged blood vessel wall by unhealthy fat is prone to forming blood clots which could block blood flow to the brain. When oxygenated blood does not get to the brain, a person suffers from stroke. Exercising helps to keep your heart healthy and reduce this risk.
Helps to maintain a healthy weight
People who are overweight or obese are at a high risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Diabetes can also affect your heart over time as high blood sugar can damage the wall of your blood vessels.
Engaging in exercise, along with modification of other lifestyle habits has successfully helped many to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It also has been shown to decrease the risk of diabetes in people who were found to be pre diabetic.
Researchers agree that any amount of exercise you engage in, no matter how vigorous or how long, is good for your heart.
It is however recommended that people aim for about 3 to 5 hours of exercise per week. The World Health Organization recommends at least 30 minutes of brisk walking for five days in a week.
You can exercise all at once or break it into several periods during the day, such as during a short commercial TV break. You can also take brief breaks from work to engage in a simple exercise.
Regular exercise is beneficial to everyone. There are a lot of physical activities that can be engaged in to stay fit and healthy. This includes going to the gym, outdoor activities like swimming, cycling, hiking, or even brisk walks.
The best form of exercise is the one you enjoy and you can engage in regularly.
Incorporating physical activity into your lifestyle does not only improve your overall physical health, but also your mental health.
If you have an underlying medical condition or disability, speak to your doctor to guide you on the best and safest exercise for you.