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Foods That Make You Smarter.

Foods That Make You Smarter.

Yes, literally there are actually foods that would make you smarter, sharpening your thinking ability, boost memory and slow down cognitive aging. These foods go beyond providing energy for the day's activities to nourishing your brain to being more efficient.  

1. Walnut  
Walnuts are a very rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to boost brain function. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that seniors who had high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids performed better when tested on attention, abstract thinking and memory.  
Walnuts are also rich in vitamin E which delays age-related cognitive decline.  

2. Fish  
This is an even richer source of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids whisk away depression and bad moods, while in the long run, delaying brain aging and boosting memory. Omega-3 fatty acids play a major role in neurotransmission, especially those linked with learning and memory.  

3. Berries  
A study conducted in the UK showed that drinking two cups of blueberries daily improved memory after a few months. Berries contain anthocyanin compounds, antioxidants that protect brain neurons linked to memory. Fisetin compounds, also found in strawberries, boost long term memory. Studies have also linked consuming blackberries with improved balance and coordination.  

4. Peppers  
These spices are very rich in capsaicin, a compound employed as a natural pain reliever. The brain contains a lot of capsaicin receptors which release endorphins, which calms our nerves.  

5. Garlic  
In addition to preventing gastrointestinal cancers, garlic has been linked with improved mood, long-term memory, and learning ability. Garlic raises brain serotonin which raises mood, improves abstract thinking and problem-solving ability.  

Garlic also contains antioxidants that protect the brain cells from damage. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging showed strong evidence of Garlic as an alternative treatment for Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative brain disease.  

6. Dark Chocolate  
Trust me, dark Chocolate improves math skills. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that boost blood circulation to the brain. In a 2009 study conducted in North Umbria University, UK, it was found that participants who had flavanol-rich cocoa calculated faster and were less likely to be mentally fatigued than those who had a beverage without flavonols.  

7. Spinach and green vegetables  
These foods are rich sources of vitamin B6 and B12, which are key in brain health. These are involved in smooth neurotransmission in the brain. A deficiency of these vitamins causes a lot of neurological complications including impaired concentration and memory.  

Frequent consumption of these foods guarantees a very healthy brain, so when next you go grocery shopping, these should top your shopping list.