As the 1980s drew to a close, Ericsson mobile engineers mused about the idea of developing a short link radio technology to serve as an alternative to wired options. The technology later nicknamed Bluetooth was to enable the exchange of data between compatible fixed and mobile devices over a short distance through radio waves. The idea later concentrated on developing Bluetooth headsets by both Ericsson and IBM, a vision realized in the development of an award-winning Bluetooth wireless headset in 1999.
What informs the health concerns about Bluetooth wearable devices?
As is almost the case, we celebrate the technology first, health concerns come later. Bluetooth wearable devices transmit data over a short distance using radio waves. Herein arises the concerns-- the radio waves. The question is, are radio waves harmful to our health?
Radio waves and your health, any concerns?
Radio waves have found useful applications long before the advent of Bluetooth wearable devices. We have used radio waves with medical procedures such as diathermy, deep heat and other applications. The health concerns about radio waves are minimal because they possess lower energy than some other types on non-ionizing radiations-- those radiations that don't induce harmful body changes by distorting cells. Radio waves are in the class as visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet rays, and because of the low energy of the radio waves involved in the Bluetooth technology, not much fear is entertained regarding their potential adverse health effects. In fact, the technology has expanded to Bluetooth speakers and sound systems. It is becoming more and more a part of modern lifestyle to interact with one Bluetooth device or another.

Despite these attributes, health experts still keep radio waves under the radar because their level of energy is higher than the extremely low-frequency radiation. For this reason, there are concerns that radio waves could produce heat and cause body tissue damage given enough time and large enough absorptions into the body.
So, are wearable Bluetooth headsets emitting radio waves?!

Yes, they transmit data using short-wavelength radio waves with a frequency ranging between 2.4 and 2.485 GHz. We use Bluetooth devices in so many ways. Even medicine has enjoyed a wide range of Bluetooth-powered applications making the thought of harm a little far-fetched. After all, it’s obvious that these are low energy radiations.
Despite these assurances, scientists are not resting on their oars as they continue to examine possible links between wearable Bluetooth devices and adverse health occurrences. Aside this, most authorities, including the Food and Drug Administration of the USA, still hold the belief that Bluetooth devices are harmless to humans. It is too early to tell how this turns out, but, constant vigilance and moderation are key!

Take-home message: Health authorities consider wearable Bluetooth devices harmless to humans; however, as scientists continue their work, it's wise to err on the side of caution by limiting your exposure to wearable Bluetooth devices.