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10 Reasons to stop smoking (Pidgin)

10 Reasons to stop smoking (Pidgin)


Smoking na harmful habit wen millions of people worldwide dey practice . While e fit dey provide temporary relaxation, the long-term consequences of smoking dey severe and e fit be life-threatening. E dey estimated say 1.3 billion people na em dey use tobacco worldwide, and say 80% of dem dey live for low- and middle-income countries. 

So why smoker suppose quit smoking?

1. Improved Physical Health: 
If you stop to dey smoke e go improve your physical health. Smoking dey damage the breathing system, leading to lung diseases. If you quit, e go reduce risk of say you develop these conditions and improve your breathing.

2. Reduced Risk of Cancer: 
Smoking na leading cause of almost every type of cancer wen you fit imagine, including lung, throat, mouth, and oesophageal cancer. Quitting dey help people reduce their risk of say dem develop these life-threatening diseases. This one go give them chance for a healthier and longer life.

3. Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Smoking dey also damage the cardiovascular system (i.e. heart and blood vessels), dis one dey increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other circulatory problems. If you quit smoking, your blood circulation go improve. Also, blood pressure go lower and dis one go reduce the likelihood of say you experience heart-related complications.

4. Financial Savings: Smoking na expensive habit. The cost of cigarettes dey add up over time, e go come affect the smoker finances. When people quit smoking, them go save better amount of money wen dem fit allocate to more meaningful and rewarding things .

5. Improved Sense of Smell and Taste: Smoking dey dull the senses of smell and taste e go destroy the taste buds for the mouth. If you quit, you go fit regain these senses, e go come allow you to enjoy the flavors of food and appreciate the aromas around you more. This one go lead to greater overall enjoyment of life.

6. Enhanced Fertility: Smoking get harmful effects on fertility for both men and women. E fit reduce the chances of say woman get belle , e fit increase the risk of miscarriages, and even harm the development of the pikin wen e dey belle . To stop smoking dey important for couples wen dey try to conceive and wen wan get healthy pregnancy.

7. Protection of Loved Ones: Second-hand smoke get serious health risks to people wen dey around smokers, especially family members and friends. Some specific diseases dey for children wen dey linked to say dia parents dey smoke cigarettes, like “glue ear” due to fluid build-up for the ear. If you stop to smoke, you dey protect your loved ones from the harmful effects of passive smoking, that one go come reduce dia risk of respiratory problems and other smoking-related illnesses.

8. Improved Physical Appearance: Smoking dey make person age quick , e dey lead to premature wrinkling, sagging skin, and skin color. If you stop to smoke e fit improve your skin dey look, e go make am look healthier, fresher, and more vibrant.

9. Increased Energy and Stamina: Smoking dey reduce energy levels and stamina, e go make physical activities dey more challenging. If you stop, you go experience increase for your energy, that one go allow you to engage for activities wen been dey hard you before, this one go com lead to more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

10. Role Model for Others: to stop to smoke nor go only benefit you but e go also set positive example for other people, especially children and young adults. If you stop, e go show dem say e dey possible to overcome addiction and focus on dia health, e go give others ginger to make positive changes for dia lives too.

The decision to stop to smoke nor be small decision to make , but you nor fit measure em rewards. From Improved physical health, to reduced risk of cancer and heart disease, to financial savings, and to better quality of life all dos ones na just few of the reasons wen go make you stop to smoke.
If you take this step, you nor go only improve your own well-being but you go also positively impact the lives of people wen dey around you. E never too late to stop smoking and follow healthier and smoke-free future.