Using social media has become a norm all over the world. People use it for business, job applications, to get updated on global news, and to communicate with one another. In fact, the majority of social media users use it to share bits of their daily lives. For some people, social media is their means of livelihood; from influencers, managers to content scouts, various jobs are now available through social media.

As children get older, they discover the internet and become interested in social media. There is no way to hide your kids from social media, no matter how hard you try. The best thing for you to do is teach them how to use the internet, and by extension social media, while taking steps to regulate their use.
What should you know about your kid’s social media use?
Let them know what kind of information is suitable for social media
Sharing information is the mainstay of social media, but your kid can overdo it, even adults overdo it. Before giving them access to social media platforms, let them know what they should be posting online and what they should not. They should not post their address, phone number, inappropriate photos or videos, or other important information. Important information can include revealing that they are home alone, or that their dad has a safe with money in it, or where they plan to vacation. Such information can give predators and criminals and insight into the child and their family’s activities.
Help them set limits

This is a tough one even for adults to follow but you have to enforce rules and limits for your child to adhere to. It’s important that your child does not spend the majority of their time online so they don’t become too involved with it. Ensure that they use social media for a set time and then step away and indulge in other activities such as reading, playing games, or helping out around the house. It is essential that a boundary is established between virtual and reality. Be a good role model and stick to the limits you set for yourself as well so your child can copy your behavior.
Let them know what they must not do
Social media is a great tool for so many purposes but it can also be dangerous. Sexual predators and other criminals lurk online looking for easy targets and your unaware child can easily fall into their trap.

Let your child know:
- Not to meet any online friend without permission from you.
- Not to disclose their age or address to strangers
- Not to post information that they would not want their teachers, parents or grandparents to see.
- Not to be bullies online and to report any instance of cyberbullying
- To report if a stranger is soliciting for nude photos or their personal information
- Not to share their passwords, even with their friends
- To avoid their real and full name as much as possible.
Keep an eye on them
Remember, you are a guardian and gatekeeper of your child’s online activity, so you have to keep monitoring their online activity as they go along. Remind them to change their passwords often, and educate them about the permanence of the internet (temporary posts can be screenshot in seconds). Encourage them to use their tablet, phone, or computer in public places where you or another adult can keep an eye on them.

Social media opens up a world of excitement and opportunity for your kids but they have to be careful to avoid becoming easy prey for online predators. Constantly remind them about online rules they must follow and why. Take steps to monitor what they do on their accounts and the kind of content they post.