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When is a Woman Most Fertile?

When is a Woman Most Fertile?

Are you trying to get pregnant, do you know when you are most fertile? Then read this!  

To achieve conception, it is vital to understand the female menstrual cycle to determine what days a woman is most fertile. This timeframe is called the fertile window.   

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The timing of a woman’s ovulation determines her fertile window, ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary and if a woman has unprotected vaginal intercourse around this time, sperm cells may fertilize the egg, leading to pregnancy.  

Do You Understand Your Menstrual Cycle?   

The normal menstrual cycle has an average length of 28 to 32 days. Some women have their cycles shorter and others longer; however, a cycle length of 21 to 35 days is considered normal.  

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The menstrual cycle is divided into four phases – menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. The first day the menstrual flow begins is day one of that menstrual cycle.   

In the follicular phase of a menstrual cycle, a series of events occur that cause the eggs in the ovary to develop and grow prior to ovulation. The luteal phase follows ovulation and is characterized by the thickening of the lining of the uterus to prepare for a possible pregnancy. This phase is fairly constant, lasting for 14 days. After the luteal phase is completed, the next cycle begins if the woman does not get pregnant.   

Therefore, for a woman with a cycle length of 26 days, her menstrual cycle may be divided into the menstrual and follicular phases lasting 12 days and followed by the 14-day luteal phase. Ovulation occurs just before the luteal phase begins.   

How Can I determine my Fertile Window?  

When an egg is released during ovulation, it moves to the fallopian tube where it stays for about 24 hours. If a sperm cell fertilizes the egg, pregnancy will occur, if fertilization does not occur, the egg degenerates and uterus thins out in preparation for the next menstrual flow.   

The period around the day of ovulation is referred to as the “fertile window” because it is at this time conception is most likely to happen. Sperm cells survive in the female genital tract for 5 days, therefore, sperm cells can only reach up to the day of ovulation if they are present in the female genital tract at most five days prior.   

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Therefore, for a woman with a 28-day cycle length, ovulation occurs on the 14 th day, and her fertile window is a six-day period beginning from day 9 to day 15. The six-day fertile period factors in the five days of the viability of sperm cells and the 24 – 48 hours of the viability of an egg.   

In summary, it is important for a woman to know her fertile window especially if she is trying to get pregnant or trying to avoid getting pregnant. This knowledge helps a woman to understand her menstrual cycle and easily identify changes to her menstrual cycle.