What Causes Vaginal Itching?

Itching, in any part of the body is quite unpleasant. The vagina is an area generally considered private and persistent itching is not only uncomfortable but embarrassing. When most people speak of their vaginas, they are usually referring to their vulva and the vulva consists of the labia, clitoris and the vaginal opening.     

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Causes of Vaginal Itching    
Common causes of vaginal itching include:      

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: This condition is quite common. Some bacteria are good for the vagina while others are bad. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when there is an overgrowth of the bad bacteria leading to an imbalance between the naturally good and bad bacteria in the vagina. It typically presents as foul smelling vaginal discharge, itching and general vaginal irritation.   
  • Yeast Infection: This occurs when there is an overgrowth of the fungus,  Candida albicans .  Classic signs of this infection include a discharge usually described as c ottage cheese discharge along with severe itching as well as vulvar and labial redness. This infection usually occurs when you overuse antibiotics or engage in habits that rid the vagina of its protective bacterial population. It also occurs in women with uncontrolled diabetes.   
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): These are transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person. Some STDs that have been commonly found to be associated with itching include:    
  • Genital warts   
  • Chlamydia   
  • Gonorrhea   
  • Trichomoniasis   
  • Genital herpes.    

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Painful urination, abnormal growth in genital area and a green or yellow discharge  are some additional symptoms that can be associated with the above conditions.    

  • Menopause: Hormonal changes during menopause or the premenopausal period have been shown to cause vaginal itching in some women. During menopause, the level of the hormone, oestrogen drops. This causes thinning of the vagina, which is associated with a drier than normal vaginal tissue. This results in easy irritation and itching.   
  • Pubic Lice: This can be transmitted through contact during sexual intercourse or from sharing of personal items like your panties and other clothing.    
  • Skin Conditions: Psoriasis and eczema are some skin diseases that cause itching. It usually appears as a red, scaly, or patchy rash and may sometimes involve the vagina.  Lichen sclerosis is another skin condition that causes intense itching around the genital area.   
  • Irritating Chemicals: The vagina is a very sensitive part and can easily get irritated when exposed to certain chemicals. This results in vaginal itching. Some of these chemicals may cause an allergic response resulting in a rash. Soaps, feminine sprays, douches, bubble baths, creams, ointments, spermicides, and scented toilet paper are some commonly used products that can cause the vagina to itch. 4 (48)
  • Cancer of the vulva: This cancer is rare and mostly associated with older women. Along with other symptoms like pain and bleedin g, itching is also reported.     

When to Go to the Hospital    

An itch that is so severe that it disturbs your sleep or daily activities may require medical attention.     

Also, you need to seek medical advice if you notice any of the following    

  • Pain in the genital area   
  • An abnormal vaginal discharge   
  • Painful sexual intercourse   
  • Ulcers or blisters in the vulval region   
  • Swelling or redness    
  • Pain on urinating.    

Depending on the symptoms you present with, some tests may be carried out. A number of cases resolve on their own. Depending on what your doctor suspects, he or she may prescribe some medications.     


Vaginal itching is quite common and in a lot of cases can be prevented. A good hygiene and lifestyle habit can help in the prevention of most causes. Below are some habits to practice:    

  • Wash your genital area with warm water and a gentle cleanser   
  • Do not use products like douches or vaginal sprays   
  • Stay away from scented soaps and lotions   
  • Avoid bubble baths.   
  • Use cotton underwear and do not repeat underwear.   
  • Practice safe sex   
  • After a bowel movement, wipe yourself from front to back   
  • After swimming or exercising, quickly change out of the damp clothes.    

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The best thing you can do for your vagina is to clean it regularly with water and leave it alone. The vagina is self cleansing and the use of strong feminine products like harsh soaps and douches does more harm than good.