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Video Game Addiction is a Real Disorder in Some Persons

Video Game Addiction is a Real Disorder in Some Persons

A recent 6-year study, which is the longest study ever done on the psychology of video gaming, found that about 90% of gamers do not play in such a way that it poses serious short-term or long-term health issues. However, a few actually do get addicted in such a way that it causes psychological, behavioral, and social dysfunctions.

To investigate the impact of video gaming on individuals, the study team examined the trajectories of addictive video gaming over a 6-year period and found that 10% fall into what they termed pathological video gameplay, a condition characterized by excessive time spent playing video games, with difficulty stopping the activity that it causes significant health dysfunction.

The study revealed that those in this category displayed higher levels of aggression, depression, shyness, anxiety, and problematic cell phone use in adulthood. Essentially, this means that contrary to what many believe, video game addiction is real.

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