Understanding antisocial behaviours (Pidgin)

Understanding Antisocial Behaviours

Antisocial behavior fit dey described as open or secret acts of hatred and aggression wen dey directed at other people, animals, or property. Open antisocial behaviors dey include verbal abuse, hitting and fighting, bullying, destruction of property, theft, aggressive actions towards parents, siblings, peers, or other adults.   

Secret antisocial behaviors dey include lying, non-compliance to rules, defiance of authority, and secret destruction of property. Antisocial behaviors dey range from mild to severe and the way wen each case dey managed on depend on how e go be.  

To understand antisocial behavior, you gats know these things:  

Wetin dey cause antisocial behavior?  

Just like most psychological disorders, antisocial behaviors dey develop and dey shaped by mixture of nature (genetics, personality, and cognitive ability) and nurture (environment).    

*Genetic and neurobiological factors: dese na factors wen fit affect brain development for any kain way. Examples go include: pre-frontal cortex abnormalities, traumatic head injury, prenatal brain damage, maternal drug abuse during pregnancy, chronic illness, low birth weight, and birth complications.  

*Social and environmental factors go include: family life wen nor, parental drug and alcohol abuse, papa and mama wen nor dey present for the pikin life, family disruption (separation caused by death, divorce, and other factors), poverty, abuse, neglect and violence for house, or history of anti-social behavior.   

*Psychological factors: people wen meet the following criteria get higher chance to develop antisocial personality disorder as adults. These criteria dey include family history of antisocial personality disorder, diagnosis of childhood conduct disorder, if e get any parent wen getpsychiatric disorder like depression, or other mental health disorders.   

*Sex: men dey more likely to display anti-social behaviors pass women.  


Wetin be some signs of antisocial personality disorder wen you need watch out for?  


People with anti-social behaviors dey display these signs:  

Impulsiveness (dem nor dey consider the consequences of dia actions or learn from am)  
Dem dey exploits and manipulates oda people for their own gain/pleasure  
Dem go dey hostile, irritable, and aggressive  
Dem nor get empathy for others and dem nor dey feel bad about dia actions  
Dem dey take unnecessary or dangerous risks without any regard for dia safety or oda people safety  
Dem go dey behave badly and e go fit lead to problems with the law  
Dem get sense of superiority and complete disregard for right and wrong  
Dem go dey use intimidation to violate the rights of others  
Dem go dey misuse drugs and alcohol  
Dem nor go fit meet up with school, work, or family obligations  

Children wen dey as young as three years of age fit begin act for ways wen dey noticeable to anti-social ways. If e nor dey properly managed, these behaviors go continue and grow into conduct disorder during the teenage years. Na only wen person don reach 18 years and above na em dem fit diagnose Antisocial personality disorder. Antisocial behaviors wen dey happen before age 18 dey categorized under conduct disorders.  


Antisocial personality disorder dey considered lifelong but e don dey observed say these behaviors fit reduce as time dey go on and the reasons nor dey clear.

Treatment and management

Antisocial personality disorder na lifelong disorder but e fit dey managed. Management and treatment plan go depend on how the symptoms strong reach  and weda dem dey willing to seek treatment.  

First thing na to go see mental health professionals wen get experience for the treatment of antisocial personality disorder. Talk about therapy, wen also dey known as psychotherapy e fit dey used for the effective treatment of antisocial personality disorder. Many times, therapy dey take the form of treatment of underlying mental health conditions, rehabilitation from drug or alcohol abuse, and anger management. But, psychotherapy nor go dey effective if the symptoms dey severe and the person fail to recognize say dem get problem.    



People with antisocial personality disorder  dey act out without regard for the consequences or dia effect on the people wen dey around them.  mental health professional fit help improve their quality of life through anger management classes and psychotherapy.

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