Subtle Symptoms in Pregnancy

Expecting a baby is usually a thing of joy for most women. This period, however, comes with enormous physical and emotional changes that could make it even more overwhelming. Most of these changes were normal and would begin to fizzle out after childbirth. However, there are a few subtle symptom ms you should not ignore: 


Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding deserves of first mention because frequently in pregnancy, the real danger lies not with the heavy bleeding but innocent-looking bleeding that you're tempted  to ignore. There are a few times when vaginal bleeding is normal. Such instances include sexual activity-induced vaginal bleeding or implantation bleeds that occur when the fertilized egg is being attached into the womb. 

Under some other  circumstances, a pregnant woman  experiences period-like episodes of light bleeding, also called spotting despite being confirmed pregnant. Spotting is commoner in early pregnancy but may occasionally occur at later stages of pregnancy. 

The factors that surround in vaginal building are also important; for instance experiencing vaginal bleeding along with sudden onset of pain may be a pointer to an ectopic pregnancy which is a medical emergency.

Because of the several possible causes and outcomes of vaginal bleeding, please, do not neglect any vaginal bleeding until your doctor or midwife has confirmed that you are fine-- going for a quick checkup won't do any harm.

Feeling too weak

Again the risk here is not in the very strong feeling of tiredness; it lies rather in the assumption that that feeling tired during pregnancy is normal. While tiredness is indeed normal in pregnancy, a progressive feeling of tiredness which may indicate anemia or a drop in your blood level--a quick checkup in this instance could be life-saving.

If undetected early, anemia could lead to poor growth of your baby, premature birth, and even early death of an infant. 

Fast breathing/difficulty

Difficulty in breathing is something you should never neglect whether or not pregnant isn't safe. it is even more dangerous during pregnancy because it places the health of your unborn baby under serious threat!

The tricky bit is that hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy increases your breathing rate which is completely normal, as this occurs to increase the capacity of your lungs in order to increase oxygen delivery to your unborn baby.

However, breathlessness in pregnancy could indicate an asthma attack or even blood clots lodged in the lungs, both of which are medical emergencies


Severe abdominal pain

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is not unusual, however, there are some patterns of abdominal pain that could indicate something sinister. Severe lower abdominal pain could indicate ectopic pregnancy, and if it comes with a very hard abdomen when you touch it, it could indicate that your placenta has torn off the wall of the womb, a condition called placental abruption. This is a medical emergency and requires urgent surgical intervention. 

When baby gets too quiet

Contrary to the myth that babies stop movement towards the end of pregnancy, you should continue to experience your baby moving right up to the time of labor. So, if you strongly feel that baby is not moving as It used to, it is important to get a medical check-up as soon as possible to be sure that baby is steam safe. 


Take-home message: Pregnancy is a joyful state, and it should be! But, not paying close attention to your body could truncate the joy--so, be vigilant and seek medical attention whenever in doubt!


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