Caesarean Section, also called C-section or C/S, is a surgical procedure where an incision is made through your abdomen and uterus to deliver your baby. You may have planned this ahead of time, known as an elective C/S , or there was a problem during labour that necessitated an emergency Caesarean section .
The average length of stay in the hospital after a caesarean section is about 3 to 4 days. How long you will stay in the hospital will however be influenced by your recovery and presence of complications.
Recovery after a C-section
Caesarean section is considered a major surgery and it is important to take proper care of yourself and give your body time to heal.
Below are a few tips to help you with recovery.
- Adequate Rest: Your body needs a minimum of about 6-8 weeks to heal. The stress associated with taking care of a new baby can be overwhelming and that is why it is advised to ask for help from relatives and close friends. Newborns require a lot of attention. Steal naps throughout the day when you can. Sleep when your baby sleeps as it may be difficult to do so when they are awake.
- Nutrition : A balanced diet is vital for recovery and wound healing. Ensure you take plenty of fluids, especially water. This also helps prevent constipation. Vegetables, fruits and other nutrient rich meals are highly recommended to help your body recover.
- Pain relief : If you are still on admission, inform your doctors or nurses if you are in pain so that pain medications can be given to you or your doses increased. Pain relievers can also be prescribed for use at home for a couple of days. You should note that you will likely feel more pain during breastfeeding. Pain killers that contain codeine should be avoided as they can be harmful to your baby.
- Go easy on your body : Do not lift anything that’s heavier than the weight of your baby. It’s okay to receive help from your partner, family members and friends. To avoid getting up or climbing the steps multiple times, keep supplies you need close to you.
Be careful when getting in and out of bed while recovering. You can get up using a support, rolling to your side or carefully moving your legs to the edge of the bed.
Wound care : Unless you have dissolvable stitches, the stitches will be taken out around the 5 th -7 th day. Keep the incision site clean and dry. You will be asked to clean it gently with a mild antiseptic. At all times, keep your panties either above or below the incision line.
Mental Health : The mental health of a mother is just as important as her physical health. Do not bottle up the feelings or emotions you have and do not feel ashamed of them either as a lot of women struggle with mental health issues after delivery.
If you feel sad, depressed, anxious, or have thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, please speak to someone, preferably a professional. Do not neglect your mental health.
When to Visit the Hospital After Caesarean Section
Besides your routine follow-up visits, these are some reasons you should visit your healthcare provider after a C-section:
- When you have fever, foul smelling vaginal discharge or severe vaginal bleeding.
- Worsening pain at the surgery site and/or foul smelling discharge from site
- Poor healing of the C/S wound
- Leg swelling or redness.
- Chest pain or difficulty breathing.
- Difficulty in passing urine or unintentional leakage of urine
- Severe headache that persists
- Worsening swelling or redness of your breasts lasting more than 24hours.
Caesarean section is a major surgery and like other major surgeries, extra care must be taken for quick recovery. If you’ve had a C- section, you may require up to 8 weeks to begin to feel like yourself again.
You may not feel ready to have sex until about 6-8 weeks after. Speak to your health care provider for the best contraceptive as it is not advisable to get pregnant too soon after delivery via C/S. Pay attention to your body. It knows when you are doing much more than you should.
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