You may have been able to reach some of the goals you set for the New Year. Or perhaps it's just starting to look like it would be another unproductive 365 days. Change is constant and inevitable, they say. However, in reality, change is difficult to accept and implement.
Perhaps you want to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthily. But you end up eating a bag of cereals every evening and watch the workout on TV rather than following through. Before you beat yourself up, you might want to reevaluate your goals and ensure they fall on the spectrum of realistic and achievable. Here are three ways to recalibrate your goals for success in the New Year.
Review Your Goals
Undoubtedly, you have selected positive goals for yourself. Setting goals is equally as important as having realistic targets. For instance, if you have just started working out, exercising three hours every day could be too much. That's similar to getting started on playing Garena free fire and expecting to be in Grandmaster tier after two days. It's much easier to start small and gradually climb up the ladder of difficulty levels with your goals and expectations.
Adjust and let go
Things may not always unfold as we planned it and that's perfectly ok. If you reviewed your goals and realized that you might have set goals that you cannot achieve then it's time to let go. You want to create new smaller goals that better suit your circumstances and energy levels.
Create a plan and write it down.
There is a big difference between affirming New Year’s resolutions and having a plan of action written down. The latter is what you want to do. A goal without a plan is a plan to fail. You want to write down a daily to-do list - smaller steps to tick off every day once you have completed them. Viewing your progress can give you the jolt to keep pressing forward. Having a plan and putting it down in writing helps you measure your progress. Not writing down your plan of action is the road to forgetting the goals you set in the first place.
Rome was not built in a day. Similarly, results don't happen in 24 hours. Be patient, focus on doing something every day towards achieving your goal. Rather than expecting super toned abs after six days of workout, you could direct your energy towards doing a 30-minute abs exercise at least three times a week.
Your efforts would eventually add up. Perhaps your neighbor may be the first to notice the changes and compliment you. Remember that the only way to achieve what we want out of life is to set goals and work towards them. Practice these tips to help you hit your life goals and resolutions this New Year.