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Menstrual Hygiene Day: Advocating for Dignity, Rights, and Empowerment for Women

Menstrual Hygiene Day: Advocating for Dignity, Rights, and Empowerment for Women

May 28 each year is Menstrual hygiene day when healthcare professionals and public health experts raise awareness about measures to ensure menstrual hygiene. This year, the WHO beams the light on unacceptable crisis of stigma regarding health issues affected women and young girls.

Every day, hundreds of millions of women across the world are menstruating, yet a large proportion of these women and girls lack the knowledge of menstrual hygiene and dignity. This may stem from cultural taboos, poor access to healthcare information, and unavailability of healthcare services. For instance, in some developing countries, girls are forced to live in a menstrual hut throughout their menstrual flow. This stifles their engagement in the community and participation in educational and economic opportunities, resulting ultimately in gender inequality.

According to UNESCO, more than 130 million girls are out of school globally, with poor sanitation and a lack of menstrual hygiene playing pivotal roles.

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