" Tunde has been sitting in the same position for the past 3 hours, bent over his desk, peering at his computer. His back is aching, his eyes are aching, and he really needs to use the bathroom, but he has to get this spreadsheet done first".
It might be hard to imagine but Tunde's work habits are putting him in danger. Just like any other habit such as smoking or exercising, your work habits can affect you negatively or positively. Simple acts such as withholding a bathroom break for a few minutes can be detrimental to your health.
Here are some bad work habits to change today:
Physical Inactivity
Most office workers have a sedentary lifestyle, this means they spend the majority of their time at work sitting. Sitting at your desk for extended periods of time increases tension within the muscles and puts pressure on the spine. This stimulates a physical stress response in the body and cortisol is released. Prolonged cortisol release has been linked to weight gain, heart disease, and other physical health problems. Hours of screen time can cause tired, aching eyes as well as dry eyes.
Working outside work hours
Advanced technology has made it possible for work to be done from anywhere at anytime. Phones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches and more ensure that you are always on the go. However, this can become a problem for you if you find it difficult to shutdown work before heading home. It might seem easy to quickly answer a mail or send a file while getting ready for bed, but this habit can build work stress. It might cause you to feel like you are always on the clock and can result in burnout, poor sleep, and ill health.
Hunching over your desk
Poor posture is a problem for many workers, especially who work desk jobs. Many times, you sit hunched over, bent over your desk to reach your computer.
If you fall into this category, you are putting yourself at risk for numerous health problems. Poor posture when sitting can harm your neck, back, wrists, and shoulders. Apart from pain in those areas, you could also develop tension headaches and more severe problems such as scoliosis and kyphosis.
Working through your breaks
Lunch breaks exist for a reason, make sure to use them. Frequent work breaks are essential to reduce stress, increase production and concentration.
You might skip your break in order to get more work done but this can backfire. When you work without a break, you get tired faster, both mentally and physically, affecting your ability to concentrate on work. Fatigue aside, headaches, tired eyes, and high blood pressure might also be direct consequences.
Procrastinating bathroom breaks
When you are deep in work, it's very easy to push down that urgent need to use the bathroom in order to send one more email. Please don't, respond to your body's needs as soon as they arise.
Holding your urine for too long can bladder and urinary tract infections and can also cause the bladder to stretch.
Pack your lunch from home
Eating out occasionally is no problem, but doing it everyday can result in some health concerns. You can never be totally sure of the ingredients of food bought outside the home. Packaged meals and take-out lunches tend to be high in calories, fats, and processed sugars. These meals tend to be delicious but low in nutritional value. You put at risk for obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and more.
You must not forget unorthodox ingredients such as paracetamol reportedly used to soften meat quickly by food traders. Making your own meal is the best way to control what goes in your body.
Healthy work habits will not only boost your work performance, they will help to preserve your health and extend your lifespan. These habits will also affect other areas of your life positively.
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