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How to stay ahead of HPV through regular Pap smear (Pidgin)

How to stay ahead of HPV through regular Pap smear (Pidgin)

How to stay ahead of HPV through regular Pap smear. 

Why dem dey do am ? 
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) na virus wen dey sexually transmitted. This virus dey cause inflammation of the cervix wen fit lead to cancer.

The purpose of pap smear na to screen for pre-cancerous cells and also cells went fit become cancerous.

Early detection and treatment of pre-cancerous cells fit prevent progression to cervical cancer while early detection and treatment of cervical cancer dey increase the chance of cure. Pap smear dey save lives.

Who needs a Pap smear?
pap smear dey essential for all women between the age of 21 to 65 years wen get previous or current history of sexual intercourse.

But, virgin women with no sexual (vaginal) intercourse suppose discuss with the doctor since dem nor dey likely to don dey  exposed to HPV.

How frequently I suppose do Pap smear?

If the Pap test come back normal, e dey typically repeated every three years. Abnormal pap test fo need additional tests and treatment.  

Your doctor na the best person to advise you on these things as well as the timing wen you go take repeat the test after abnormal one.
For cases where person get health issues like weak immune system, the doctor fit advise say make you go for screening many times pass other people .

You nor go need pap smear again if:
• You be woman above 65 years with normal pap test results for many years.
• You don undergone total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, ovaries, and cervix).

How dem take dey perform Pap smear?
pap smear dey take about 15 minutes. Once you enter doctor office, you go need to undress from your waist down and lie down on your back and make sure say you spread your knees. 
The doctor go put speculum inside your vagina to locate the cervix and then e go use small brush to remove sample from the cervix small small . You go feel small discomfort and small pinch. 
Dem go place the sample for glass slide or jar and den carry am go lab for examination.

Here na some few facts about HPV Infection:
• More than half of women globally dey get HPV infection for dia lifetime.
• Most women nor get symptoms and fit readily pass the virus to their partner.
• The mode of transmission na through skin to skin contact of the genitals, anus, or mouth.
• Penetration nor dey required to contract HPV.
• The main health concerns from HPV na genital warts and cervical inflammation wen fit lead to pre-cancerous cells and eventually cervical cancer. Oral warts and cancer fit also result from HPV infection.

How to reduce the risk of acquiring HPV:
• Women between the ages of 10-26 years suppose receive HPV vaccine. After the age of 26 years, follow your doctor discuss weda e go dey beneficial.
• Avoid multiple sexual partners
• Use condoms if you dey multiple relationship; but , genital parts wen nor dey covered by the condom fit be HPV’s point of entry.