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Giving Antibiotics for Shorter Duration May Help to Curb Antibiotic Resistance.

Giving Antibiotics for Shorter Duration May Help to Curb Antibiotic Resistance.

Antibiotic resistance (i.e., loss of activity) has become a serious global health problem and is linked to growing misuse and abuse of antibiotics.

An international group of health organizations and scientists has sounded the alarm once again, and is proposing new ways of prescribing and using antibiotics to mitigate the growing resistance. One such is reducing the number of days antibiotics are used. Although long treatment courses have been standard medical practice, this system is largely traditional rather than evidence-based.

In this study involving more than 500 patients, the researchers tested if shorter courses of antibiotic treatment would be effective in treating bacterial infections. Their findings revealed that cutting down treatment duration by half was equally effective compared to standard duration.

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