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Dangers of skin bleaching (Pidgin)

Dangers of skin bleaching (Pidgin)

Skin bleaching, na em some people they call skin lightening or skin whitening, and na to they use chemicals or natural substances to take lighten your skin tone. Na common practice for many parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. But, to use skin bleaching products done turn to situation when they happen globally, na millions of people they use them everyday .
Even thou say skin bleaching look like say na harmless cosmetic procedure, e fit get serious consequences for your health. Make we tori about some of the dangers when skin bleaching they carry waka come when you suppose they aware of:
1.Skin irritation and damage
Skin bleaching products they contain harsh chemicals when they irritate and damage your skin. If you don too use them for long period of time the products fit also lead to skin thinning, this one go make am they more open to injury and infection.
2. Increased risk of skin cancer
Skin bleaching products fit increase your risk of skin cancer. Mercury,one of the ingredient we they commonly see inside skin bleaching products, fit also they toxic and fit cause damage to kidneys, nervous system, and brain.
3. Uneven skin tone
Skin bleaching products they cause coke and fanta skin tone, especially if e nor they used properly. If you overuse the products or you leave am for your skin for too long, you fit end up with patches of light and dark skin like bole and e they difficult to correct.
4. Dependency
Skin bleaching products fit they addictive; once you start to use an, e they difficult to stop. You go they feel like say you need to continue to maintain the skin tone when e don give you ,even if e they cause harm to your skin and health.
5. Psychological effects
Skin bleaching fit get psychological effects on person when use am. People when they use these products go feel like say them need to follow Western beauty standards or feel pressure from their communities to lighten their skin tone. This one fit lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.
How You Go Take Get Help
So, wetin you go fit do if you don been they use skin bleaching products and you wan come stop and recover? 

Here na some of the tips:
1. Follow dermatologist talk
Follow dermatologist ( doctor when specialize for conditions when they affect skin, hair, and nails) if you they experience skin problem because you don they use skin bleaching products. Them go fit help you identify the cause of your skin problem and then go recommend treatment options when go help restore your skin health.
2. Embrace your natural skin tone
E they important to embrace your natural skin tone and appreciate the unique beauty when e carry come. If you love yourself and your natural skin, you go fit build self-esteem and reduce pressure to bleach your skin.
3. Be patient
E go fit take time before your skin go begin recover from the effects of skin bleaching. They patient and nor worry yourself as you they work to restore your skin health. Instead focus on how you go care for your skin, use gentle and natural skin care products when go promote skin health and hydration.
4. Educate others
If we teach other people about the dangers of skin bleaching e go help 
other people make them nor fall into the same trap. Follow your friends and family about the risks when they follow skin bleaching and encourage them make them embrace their natural skin tone.
Skin bleaching fit look like say na easy way for you to yellow , but e they come with serious risks to your skin and health. If we educate our self about the danger of skin bleaching and we embrace your natural skin tone, we go fit build 
self-esteem, promote skin health, and inspire other people to do the same. Remember, say your skin they beautiful just the way e be, and you 
Nor suppose put your health at risk because you wan fine .