Virtual Reality Makes Exercise More Fun – Study Shows

The coronavirus pandemic disrupted our normal lives and changed the way we do almost everything, including how we exercise. To get active while stuck at home, many for the first time turned to Virtual Reality (VR) to feel pumped up, and a new study suggests this may actually be a more fun way of exercising.

The study published in a mental health journal found that exercising with background music or in a computer-stimulated environment helps people feel much better than exercising without these conditions. To study how virtual experience affects how people feel during exercise, the researchers teamed up with virtual reality creators, VirZOOM.

The experiment involved 24 volunteers who were asked to exercise on stationary bikes while experiencing VR with music. The results showed that these participants had an increase in their perceived enjoyment of the activity, and the effect was better when VR was combined with music compared to music alone.

So, to make your workout sessions more fun and less arduous, you can adopt virtual reality to create a calm and soothing experience.

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