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Throat Cancers: Causes and Treatments

Throat Cancers: Causes and Treatments

Throat cancers are cancers originating in the voice box (larynx) and the pharynx, which is the space between the nose and the voice box. Common symptoms and signs of throat cancer include sore throat, cough, hoarseness of voice, and difficulty swallowing. As with other cancers, the cause of throat cancers is unknown, but there are recognized risk factors which include:   


Acid Reflux   

Acid from the stomach could bathe the voice box if it flows upwards. This condition, called gastroesophageal reflux disease, allows acid to flow upward out of the stomach through the gullet to the mouth and the voice box. If this happens for a long time without treatment, the cells and tissues of the throat become cancerous.    


Alcohol consumption   

Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for throat cancer and many other cancers, and there is no safe level for alcohol drinking. Alcohol releases several toxic substances in the body that could trigger cancer formation.    

Cigarette smoking   

Yes, we already know that smokers are liable to die young, but one of the causes of death among smokers is cancer arising from their habit. The smoke produced by the Burning of tobacco releases thousands of harmful substances into the system, including cancer-causing agents. The relationship between smoking and throat cancer is not a mere assumption. The risk increases with the frequency and degree of smoking, which means the more you smoke the more likely you are to come down with throat cancer. Furthermore, passive smoking – inhaling smoke from someone smoking nearby – is also as bad as active smoking.    


Snuff (smokeless tobacco) use   

 The use of snuff (utaba in Ibo and taba in Yoruba) is dangerous! Unlike the popular thinking that elders should use snuff, snuff, powdered tobacco or smokeless tobacco or refer to the same thing and all have the same effect, they increase your risk of developing throat cancer and should be avoided for those who intend to live long. The African habit of presenting a box of snuff to elders as a sign of appreciation is actually killing the elders in disguise!    


Human papilloma virus is a common risk factor for throat cancer. This virus is spread through unprotected sexual intercourse and also transmitted during oral sex with an infected partner. The virus causes an infection in the throat that causes damage and cancer changes over years before it manifests. Another virus that causes throat cancer is Ebstein-Barr, which also causes flu-like symptoms.    

Poor diet   

A diet rich in red meat and low in fiber will increase your risk of throat cancer. These foods are described as pro-inflammatory, as they increase the level of toxic chemicals that trigger an array of disease processes including cancer. To lower your risk of these diseases, improve your intake of antioxidant-rich foods including vegetables, fruits, and nuts.    

Throat cancer causes persistent and aggressive cough, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and throat pain; if not detected early, throat cancer can be deadly. Common risk factors include cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, acid reflux, and a diet poor in fruits and vegetables.