Sexually Transmitted Disease you May Not Know

"Hi Segun, I have some serious itching down there; it's terrible, starting as a pimple and now forming a deep wound." "I've tried some capsules, to no avail. What can I do?" "Ifeanyi, sincerely, I've got no idea, but this doesn't sound good, and your self-medication isn't helping matters. See the doctor today; it could save your life!" 


Sexually-transmitted diseases are numerous but have a common transmission route, as their name implies - sexual intercourse. You may have heard about common ones such as gonorrhea, HIV, and syphilis, but there are dozens of other sexually transmitted diseases that could have serious health implications if not figured out early.   



Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections; but you may not have heard about it a lot over the noise about gonorrhea and syphilis. Chlamydia is a family of several bacteria that can infect the genitals and cause painful urination and genital discharge. Sometimes, it could come with no symptoms at all. Chylamydia is treatable, but if not detected and treated promptly, it could lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb) in women who do not detect and treat it early.  


Mycoplasma genitalium  

Mycoplasma Genitalium is a sexually transmitted disease you might not be aware of. It is prevalent among the younger folks—young adults and adolescents. The persistent irritation of the genitals makes this look like gonorrhea, but it isn't—it is a unique entity! It is both different and dangerous, with a potential to cause prematurity, stillbirth, miscarriage and infertility. 


Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) 

Lymphogranuloma Venerum (LGV) is another common sexually transmitted infection that you don’t often hear about. It is caused by a species of Chlamydia, and causes deep, painful sores in the genitals, with foul-smelling discharge from the sores. This infection, which starts out as a harmless pimple in the genitals, then spreads through blood vessels called lymphatics, causing swelling, pain, and redness all around your genital area. 


When LGV spreads without prompt treatment, it leaves their bowels with perforations and blockages which may pass as inflammatory bowel disease. This underscores the need for prompt medical attention from qualified personnel—your life may depend on it! 


Shigella flexneri 

Have you heard about shigellosis before? You probably did, but little did you know we could also associate this entity with sexually transmitted diseases. You probably know about shigellosis and dysentery or shigella dysentery with well-known symptoms like those severe stomach cramps and diarrhea. What you most likely didn't know is that shigellosis has also been associated with sexually transmitted diseases, especially among gay persons.  


The shigella bacterium is primarily a stomach bug that resides in the bowels and anal passageways of infected persons. In men who have sex with men, it could easily be transmitted to the genitals, where it causes deep, painful sores, painful urination, and discharge in the genitals.  



Take-home message: Sexually transmitted diseases may seem well-known, but new variants are on the prowl! The worst part is that they may mimic some diseases you already know. The temptation to delay or self-medicate is high with serious consequences!