DontChangeMuch.ca is a free web resource launched in 2014 to provide health information including exercise tips, dietary advice, and general health tips for men. According to the researchers, who analyzed behavioural differences among 863 men that accessed the site against a sample of 2000 Canadians who did not, 75 percent of men who regularly visited the site made healthier diet choices and reported improvement in their eating while 70 percent said they engaged in more sports and exercise. .
Men are more likely to die from chronic diseases including heart disease and stroke, and are more likely to live in poor health so this web resource proves to be an efficient way to engage men with useful health tips and cut down their risks of illnesses and death.
Read more here – https://news.ubc.ca/2020/06/11/e-health-resource-improves-mens-health-behaviours-with-or-without-fitness-facilities/