You remember how you feel the last time wen you knack your toe for stone or hit your head for wall?
As e happen ehn , e fit be say you shout because of the pain . E nor get person wen e like make ‘em dey in pain bcos nor be better feeling and e dey cause physical, emotional, and even mental distress.
If the pain come strong e go interfere with person usual activities and go decrease the quality of life. With the different ways wen pain fit strike, musculoskeletal pain na one wen common pass.
Wetin be muscle pain, skeletal pain, and musculoskeletal pain?
Shortage of muscles wen fit make muscle pain person nor they because na over 650 muscles dey support our bones!
Muscle pain, just like the name, na pain wen dey affect the muscles. You fit experience this pain or discomfort for any part of your body.
Muscle pain dey usually feel like steady ache, but e fit also sharp. The pain fit dey one place or make e dey everywhere .
Some common cause na muscle cramps or spasms, strain during physical activity, injury during exercise or physically demanding activities, and poor warmups before exercise.
Many times , the cause of muscle pain dey obvious, especially if the pain start during or immediately after the event wen cause the pain. E also possible make the pain nor start immediately like low back pain the day after you carry heavy object.
If you dey experience muscle pain and you nor fit pinpoint the cause, e mean say time don reach for you to see your doctor. The list of things wen fit cause muscle pain long , from medication side effects to infection to inflammation, and disease of the muscle.
Skeletal pain dey common after trauma, E dey affect more middle-aged or older people due to osteoarthritis from years of wear and tear of the joints.
Bone na the source of skeletal pain. The pain fit dey deeper and sharper than muscle pain, and e fit dey more intense.
Other causes of skeletal pain na bone diseases wen dey soften the bones typically due to vitamin D deficiency (osteomalacia) and sickle cell crisis.
The combination of muscular and skeletal pain na em dey known as musculoskeletal pain, this description na em fit situation wen e dey difficult to separate muscle pain from skeletal pain. And na this one they always be the case when the primary cause of pain na inflammation, like rheumatoid arthritis.
Musculoskeletal pain dey draining if e turn chronic. Chronic pain dey contribute to disability globally. The Pain Task Force do. define chronic musculoskeletal pain as chronic pain for the muscles, joints, or tendons wen dey characterized by significant emotional distress (anxiety, anger, frustration, and depressed mood) or functional disability.
One form of chronic pain ( fibromyalgia) dey particularly frustrating for both the person wen dey suffer am and the doctor wen dey treat am because the cause and best treatment nor they certain .
Where relief go come from?
Over-the-counter pain medications na always the first option. These medications na good option for short term pain management.
And dem include acetaminophen, the active drug in paracetamol, panadol, etc. all dem dey relieve pain but dem nor dey treat inflammation.
On the other hand, anti-inflammatory medications (aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.) dey treat both pain and inflammation. These anti-inflammatory pain medications fit help reduce swelling. Doctors fit prescribe stronger dose of medications wen dey available for lower dosages without prescription.
If you dey use over-the-counter pain medicine , make sure say you know em side effects. Nor go overuse these medicine. Follow your doctor talk before you take any pain medicine if you get or you dey at risk of liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, or any other chronic medical condition.
Stronger, more potent pain medicine (opioids) dey available but na only by prescription bcos of em association with abuse and addiction.
Compared to medicine wen dem dey swallow , the one wen dem dey rub directly to the area wen dey affected get advantage of quick action because dem dey bypass the stomach and digestive system, and any side effects. Plus , dem dey safer for other internal organs like kidney and liver.
Relief through other means
Application of warm compress go increase the flow of blood and nutrients go the area and that one fit provide relief when muscle stiffness be the issue.
Cold compress nko, e go reduce blood flow and go help to reduce swelling and pain. Dem nor dey use Physiotherapy and occupational therapy well wen dem dey manage musculoskeletal pain, partly bcos of shortage of trained professionals. Back pain na example of musculoskeletal pain where physiotherapy fit produce better relief.
Alternative therapies like therapeutic massage, and chiropractic management also get their roles for the hands of skilled professionals. You fit nor dodge Surgery where all the conservative management don fail .
People wen dey live with pain wen nor dey gree go dey report say e get negative effect on their mental health, including anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. If we consider this one, therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling, and stress reduction fit need to dey explored for some people wen dey deal with chronic pain.
patient wen dey informed na the best patient
If we Educate patients about their condition e go make sure say dem dey part of the decision-making process, especially for those ones wen must deal with pain for long time.
E involve make we give dem appropriate advice for all treatment options, the type of physical activity wen dem supposed dey do , and healthy habits like make dem maintain good posture. Patient education dey also help to set realistic expectations and manage anger .
Find your relief
Everyone don experience musculoskeletal pain and go likely experience am again. The key na to use remedy wen match the pain; nor use opioid medication when you fit just rub anti-inflammatory cream . For all cases, just work on how you go take stop the pain or manage the root cause of the pain. Otherwise, e go just be like say you they knack your head for the same wall.