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Link between Cholesterol Buildup and Changes in Heart Function Revealed

Link between Cholesterol Buildup and Changes in Heart Function Revealed

A new study has found that accumulation of cholesterol and calcium in blood vessels, a phenomenon called atherosclerosis, may be associated with long-term changes in the structure and function of the heart.

Atherosclerosis is the main risk factor for stroke and heart attacks, in which blood flow to the heart and brain are obstructed. When this happens, the area of the heart and brain supplied by the narrowed blood vessel dies off.

The study showed that even in the absence of symptoms, atherosclerosis causes some changes to the structure and function of the heart, which increase the risk of developing a heart attack.

Preventive measures you could adopt include regular exercise, salt restriction, a reduced intake of saturated fats including red meat and margarine, and increased intake of fatty fish.

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