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How Many of These Social and Behavioral Risk Factors Can You Avoid?

How Many of These Social and Behavioral Risk Factors Can You Avoid?

A team of researchers have outlined the social and behavioral factors that are closely linked with death, in a study that evaluated the risk factors of death in thousands of people.

The study analyzed data collected from 13,611 adults in the US between 1992 and 2008 and identified  factors that contributed to deaths recorded between 2008 and 2014. Of the 57 risk factors analyzed, the researchers found 10 to be most closely associated with dying. Some of them are unexpected.

In order of significance, these factors they identified were:

  1. Current smoker
  2. History of divorce
  3. History of alcohol abuse
  4. Recent financial difficulties
  5. History of unemployment
  6. Previous history as a smoker
  7. Lower life satisfaction
  8. Never married
  9. History of food stamps
  10. Negative affectivity

Although the study did not evaluate every possible human adversity, the results give a few points to ponder on.

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