The first and only non-hormonal contraceptive has been approved for use by the US FDA. The contraceptive, a vaginal gel, was developed by UniSA Pharmaceutical Scientist, Professor Sanjay Garg.
The gel works by keeping the vaginal environment at a normal pH range of 3.5 to 4.5 which is acidic and unfavorable for the survival of sperms. The acidic environment caused by the gel also protects against sexually transmitted infections.
The product has many good properties, including the fact that it does not easily leak out of the vagina and is not made of harsh additives that may cause vaginal irritation, which can increase the risk of vaginal infections.
The gel, called Phexxi, received FDA approval in May 2020.
Read more here – https://www.unisa.edu.au/Media-Centre/Releases/2020/new-contraceptive-gel—from-bench-to–us-fda-approval/