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Does Your Phone Light Really Cause Brain Cancer?

Does Your Phone Light Really Cause Brain Cancer?

Cell phones have become widely popular and used by almost everyone we know.  The use of smart phones and its effects has sparked conversations and debates. Studies show that people spend an average of about 5 hours a day on their phones daily; therefore, there are rising concerns about the effects and health implications of too much phone time and researches are being done to study these supposed effect.   


Cell phones emit a form of energy known as radio-frequency waves. These waves allow signals to be sent to and received from cell towers, enabling network connection and communication.    

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 The waves given off are a form of radiation. The effect of the radiation emitted has been extensively studied because similar emissions released by devices like x-rays have the ability to damage DNA, cause changes to a person’s genes and consequently increase the risk of cancer.   

Studies done revealed that devices like cell phones release radio-frequency radiation that is non-ionising in nature. This simply means low-energy; low frequency radiation and the body cannot absorb this type of energy. This energy is too low to damage the DNA or cause cancer.    


The rising concerns of whether cell phones can increase risk of brain cancer or other head and neck cancers is due to the proximity of the device to these areas as these parts are closest to the phone while speaking, listening or even chatting.   

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This concern stems from the increasing use of the device and the rising addiction as many people appear to be unable to live without it. This problem is further worsened with the advent of social media platforms. It is the first thing opened in the morning and many fall asleep with it in their hands. This increased usage brings many questions and worries.   

Radiations with a higher energy and frequency have been implicated in some types of brain tumours. This is why scientists are curious to know if the energy released by cell phones is detrimental to health.    

Researches have been carried out on different groups of people to study the link between cell phone use and cancer risk. No solid relationship was established. The researchers however had limitations.    


At the moment, there is inadequate data to link health problems like cancer to the use of cell phones.   

However, a number of studies are underway and a new discovery may be made.   

While a lot remains unknown about the effect of cell phones, experts agree that it is best to limit screen time off work to about 2 hours a day. It is also recommended that you minimise the amount of energy from radiofrequency waves that you are exposed to. You can achieve this by doing the following:   

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  • Opt for texting instead of talking on the phone to decrease exposure. This is not recommended when driving.   
  • Use of features like speaker mode or video chats.   
  • Use of hand free devices like an ear piece (corded or cordless)   
  • Phone model: Different models emit varying amounts of energy.    


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While no strong link has been found between brain cancer and cell phone use, other problems have been identified. They include sleeping problems, eye strain which is discomfort or pain associated with too much screen time resulting in blurred vision, headaches, etc.    

It can also cause neck problems, increase illnesses, accidents, cause depression and anxiety.   

It is therefore recommended that time spent on phones are limited and should be rather used to engage in physical activity to boost our overall general health and wellbeing.