Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath is bad news any day. If one knows they have bad breath, it can ruin their self-confidence and self-esteem. The most important question in the mind of readers is, what causes bad breath? 

Before delving into the several causes of bad breath that you might have read about, it's important to note that 90% of bad breath result from issues within the mouth--yes, 90%! It is therefore important to state that the expertise and responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment of bad breath lies with the dentist. So, the dentist is the most qualified expert to look at any case of bad breath before you start a wild goose chase! 

Bad breath results from foul-smelling gases within the mouth. The gases include hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell), methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide.  


What causes bad breath? 

Dirty tongue:  Maintaining good oral hygiene starts with having a good toothbrush used with good toothpaste and for about 2 minutes twice a day. It goes a little bit further than that; you must brush your tongue and eliminate the bacteria to enjoy a fresh breath. And, you don't need expensive tongue scrapers; chopping up part of the bristles of your toothbrush to reduce the height makes a gold tongue cleaner out of your regular toothbrush! 


Food: Yes, food causes bad breath in several ways. You probably know already that garlic consumption comes with bad breath as well as consuming raw onions. So remember after enjoying a delicacy of grilled meat with plenty of onions over the night, you must brush before going to bed else you have to deal with the oral stench that follows the next morning!  

Food could also promote bad breath in another way. If you allow strands of fish and meat to get stuck between your teeth for long enough, the pieces get decayed and eventually produce foul-smelling gases. So, use a dental floss to dislodge the meat and food between your teeth in order to complete your oral hygiene procedures and guarantee a fresh breath. 

A hole in the tooth: Dental caries or a hole in the tooth creates a situation where your tooth acts like a dump for decaying food. If you have a hole in the tooth, the best bet is to get it filled soon as possible. Meanwhile, endeavor to clean out food particles from the hole after eating to avoid harboring food particles within your mouth and the resultant foul-smelling odor! 

Dry Mouth: Dryness in the mouth can be caused by several factors, but the outcome is the same. Dry mouth means salivary flow is poor, meaning bacteria and other bugs in the mouth are not removed and the mouth is not cleansed as efficiently. The resultant high concentration of bugs in the mouth means food particles stuck between your teeth are broken down rapidly and gases that cause bad odor are released in large amounts.  



Causes of dry mouth include dehydration, certain medications, not drinking enough water, and a medical condition called Xerostomia, in which the salivary glands do not produce saliva as much as they could.  


Take-home message: Bad breath occur mostly causes within the mouth, accounting for about 90% of cases. Good oral hygiene, including tongue brushing is a good point to start!